Need an Opening Program and Emcee Script For Math Seminar and Training Workshop

Program For Math Seminar and Training Workshop Opening Program:
Philippine National Anthem
Welcome Address
Presentation of Speakers and Participants
Statement of Purpose
Inspirational Message
Training Proper
Emcee Script For Math Seminar and Training Workshop Opening Program:
A famous Mathematics quote by an anonymous author says, “Math may not teach us how to add love or subtract hate but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution.”
To our EPS in Math, ______________, to our District Supervisor, _____________, to our School Principal, _____________, to our School Mathematics Coordinator, _____________, to all the speakers and to all the participants, a Very Good Morning!
To formally start our program this morning, I would like to request everyone to rise to give honor to our country and glorify our Almighty Father as our Philippine National Anthem and Doxology will be played through an Audio-Visual Presentation.
You may now take your seat.
To formally welcome us all to this Math Training Workshop on _____________________, please help me welcome the principal of (name of school), (complete name).
Thank you ma’am/sir __________.
At this juncture, let me call on the principal of (name of school), (complete name), for the presentation of speakers and participants.
Help me welcome him/her with a round of applause!
Thank you, ma’am/sir __________.
Now, let me ask you these: “Why are we here? What’s the purpose why we are gathered here today?” Well, to give us the statement of purpose for today’s training workshop, let us welcome our very dynamic and able District Supervisor, (complete name)! A big hand, please!
Thank you ma’am/sir __________.
And to give us an inspirational message, let us welcome our EPS in Math, (complete name). A round of applause, please!
Thank you so much, ma’am/sir __________.
The next part of our program is the training proper. But before we will proceed with the training proper, let me share this quote by Maria Robinson with you first, which says, ” Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Have a blissful day everyone.
We will now have our training proper.