Ever since I was a child I already loved to teach. I dreamed of becoming a teacher. I would always imitate the expressions, actions and even mannerisms of my teachers in school.
During weekends, I gathered all my friends around our backyard. I let them squat on the ground, listen to me and follow what I say. I stood in front of them acting as their teacher, bringing a long stick and pointing it at them and confidently discussing things which I can’t anymore remember now.
This dream of becoming a teacher never stopped in my mind and heart. In fact, the flame of desire of becoming one, kept burning as I grew up.
Despite of poverty, I strived hard to realize my dream. I studied hard to maintain my scholarship, sold yemas(A sweet custard candy ball made with egg yolks and condensed milk.) to sustain my daily needs and did tutorials for my fare and other daily expenses. I really had a strong determination and motivation to achieve my dream. But most of all I had a very deep faith in God.
Later then that I realized that I am already a licensed teacher. And indeed it is true that if what you are doing is for your passion, you will never get tired and you can never feel the bitterness of its roots, but you can only enjoy the sweetness of its fruits.

woman working hard