A Poem About A Child’s Life

This poem is written by my son when he was a fourth grader. Good job son! We are so proud of you.
This is a story of my life, please don’t be mad
Today I may be happy, tomorrow I may be sad
And some people think I’m either good or bad.
Some people think I’m stupid and dumb
Some people think I’m smart and kind
But whatever they say, I will never be blind.
I like to go to school and have fun
When it’s break time, we go out under the sun
I really love sports because I can run, run, run.
I am happy when I’m in school
But sometimes I look like a fool
When it comes to games, I always rule!
After school, I want to go home because I want to watch t.v
Another reason is, with my computer I want to play
But most of all, I want to be with my beloved family.