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“Gusto Ko Ng Bumitaw” Goes Math: Finding GCF with a Fun and Catchy Jingle

Sample Math Jingle about Finding the GCF in the Tune of “Gusto ko ng bumitaw”

Verse 1:

GCF, oh what is that?
It’s the Greatest Common Factor,
let’s chat When finding factors,
it’s the highest one
GCF, GCF, it’s a ton of fun


GCF, GCF, let’s find it fast
Take the numbers and divide at last

Verse 2:

Two or more, doesn’t matter how many
Finding GCF, we’re ready, we’re plenty
Divisors, factors, all come to play
GCF, GCF, let’s go and slay


GCF, GCF, let’s find it fast
Take the numbers and divide at last


In fractions, in simplifying
GCF, we’re not denying
In polynomials, it’s a must
GCF, GCF, let’s trust


GCF, GCF, let’s find it fast
Take the numbers and divide at last.

Math Jingle About Finding The Gcf

Have you ever wished you had a catchy tune to help you remember how to find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)? Math jingles are a great way to make learning fun and easy. They’re also an effective tool for memorizing complex concepts. This article will explore the benefits of using math jingles to learn about GCF, as well as provide an example of a GCF math jingle that can be used in classrooms or at home.

Learning mathematics can be difficult for some students, but it doesn’t have to be so daunting if they use engaging methods such as math jingles. Not only do these musical mnemonics make remembering facts and formulas easier, but they also allow learning to be more enjoyable overall. With a catchy tune playing in their heads, students can more easily recall what they’ve learned and apply it in different situations.

Math jingles are especially useful when it comes to finding GCF because they provide an easy-to-remember method of doing so. The use of rhyme and rhythm makes the process simpler, allowing students of all ages to learn more quickly and develop a better understanding of the concept. In this article, readers will gain insight into why math jingles are beneficial when learning about GCF, while also being able to access an example so they can start singing along right away!

Definition Of Greatest Common Factor (Gcf)

What is the greatest common factor? The GCF, otherwise known as the ‘greatest common divisor’ or ‘highest common factor’, is a mathematical term used to describe the largest number that is a factor of two or more numbers. It’s an important concept in math and can be used to solve equations.

To find the GCF, first we need to identify any common factors among the given numbers. A ‘factor’ is a number that divides another number without leaving any remainder. For example, if you have the numbers 8 and 12, then 2 and 4 are both factors of these numbers since they each divide them evenly (8/2 = 4 and 12/4 = 3).

Once all common factors are identified, we can determine which one of those is the greatest by looking at how many times it divides each number. In this case, it should be clear that 4 is the greatest common factor because it divides both 8 and 12 three times (8/4 = 2; 12/4 = 3), whereas 2 only divides 8 twice (8/2 = 4).

Now we know that 4 is the greatest common factor for 8 and 12 – but how do we calculate the GCF for larger sets of numbers? To do this, simply follow the same process outlined above: identify all common factors among the numbers, then determine which one is biggest by seeing how many times it divides each one.

How To Find The Gcf For Two Numbers

Calculating the GCF of two numbers is actually quite simple. To start, we need to list all the factors of each number. For example, let’s say we want to find the GCF of 12 and 16. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12; while the factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.

Now that we have our lists of factors for each number, we can look for any shared values between them. In this case, it should be clear that both 12 and 16 share 1, 2 and 4 as common factors.

Next, we need to determine which common factor is greatest. This can be done by looking at how many times it divides each number – in this case 4 is the greatest since it divides both 12 (12/4 = 3) and 16 (16/4 = 4) four times. Therefore, 4 is the greatest common factor for 12 and 16.

How To Find The Gcf For More Than Two Numbers

After finding the GCF of two numbers, some may be wondering how to find the GCF of three or more numbers. It’s actually not much more complicated than finding the GCF of two numbers.

The same principles apply, but more lists of factors will need to be created. To begin, list all the factors for each number and then look for any shared values between them. Any common factors found can then be used to determine which is greatest – just like with two numbers.

For an example, let’s say we want to find the GCF of 12, 16 and 20. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12; while the factors of 16 are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16; and the factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5 10 and 20. It should be clear that both 12 and 16 share 1, 2 and 4 as common factors; while 12 and 20 share 1 and 2 as common factors; 16 and 20 share only 1 as a common factor. Therefore our greatest common factor is 2 since it divides all three numbers (12/2 = 6; 16/2 = 8; 20/2 = 10).

So when looking for the greatest common factor among three or more numbers simply create a list of all their factors and look for any shared values between them – then select which one is greatest!

Sample Problems With Solutions

Now, let’s look at some sample problems to help understand how to find the GCF of three or more numbers.

First, we’ll start with a simple example. We want to find the GCF of 6, 8 and 10. To do this we create a list of factors for each number: 6’s factors are 1, 2, 3 and 6; 8’s factors are 1, 2, 4 and 8; 10’s factors are 1, 2, 5 and 10. Since all three numbers share 1 and 2 as common factors, the GCF is 2 (6/2 = 3; 8/2 = 4; 10/2 = 5).

Next we’ll look at an example where not all the numbers have common factors. Let’s say we want to find the GCF of 12, 14 and 18. The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12; 14 has 1, 2, 7 and 14; 18 has 1 ,2 ,3 ,6 ,9 and 18. In this case there are no common factors between all three numbers – but two do share some common values (12 & 14 have both 1 & 2 while 12 & 18 have both 1 & 3). Therefore our greatest common factor is 1 since it divides all three numbers (12/1 = 12; 14/1 = 14 ; 18/1 = 18).

Now let’s look at another example which involves more than three numbers: finding the GCF of 15, 20, 24 and 30. The factors of 15 are 1 ,3 ,5 and 15; 20 has 1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,10 and 20; 24 has \t1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,6 ,8\tand 24 ; 30 has\t1\t2\t3\t5\t6\t10\t15\tand 30 . All four numbers share just one factor in common – which is 1 – so that must be our greatest common factor (15/1 = 15 ; 20/1 = 20 ; 24/1 = 24 ; 30 /1 = 30).

These examples demonstrate how to find the GCF for any number of values – just create lists of their factors then look for any shared values between them! From there you can easily determine which is greatest.

Mnemonic Devices For Remembering The Steps In Finding Gcf

Finding the GCF of three or more numbers can be a tricky process, but there are some helpful mnemonic devices to help remember the steps.

The first is “DIVIDE” which stands for “Divide, Identify, and Verify Each Number.” This acronym helps us to remember that we need to divide each number by its factors until we reach the greatest common factor. We then identify any common factors between all the numbers and verify that it is the greatest common factor.

Another useful mnemonic device is “FAMILY” which stands for “Find All the Multiples and Isolate Like Elements Yearly.” This acronym reminds us that we need to start by finding all of the multiples of each number and look at them side-by-side. Then, isolate like elements (or common factors) before finally verifying that it is the largest one – yearly!

These mnemonic devices provide a great way to remember the steps involved in finding the GCF of several numbers. It’s important to think through each step carefully so you can get the right answer every time!

Online Calculators For Determining Gcf

In addition to mnemonic devices, there are also some great online calculators available for determining the GCF of three or more numbers. These calculators can be very helpful for quickly and accurately finding the greatest common factor of any given set of numbers.

Using an online calculator is a straightforward process. First, you will enter the numbers you want to find the GCF of. Then, you can click a button to calculate the answer. The calculator will then provide you with the greatest common factor of your numbers. This makes it easy to double check your work if you’ve done it manually using one of the mnemonic devices above.

Finally, online calculators are a great way to save time and ensure accuracy when looking for the GCF of several numbers. They are especially useful for students who need help with their math homework or anyone else who needs to quickly and accurately find a greatest common factor!

Real-Life Examples Of Using The Gcf

Now that you know how to calculate the GCF of numbers, let’s look at some real-life examples of how it can be used. Understanding the practical applications of the greatest common factor can help you better understand how to use it in math problems and also in everyday life.

One common example is when buying items in bulk. For instance, let’s say you want to buy a dozen eggs but only want to buy exactly what you need instead of having too many leftovers. You could calculate the greatest common factor between 12 and 24 to determine that the most economical way is to buy two cartons of 12 eggs each. That way, you won’t end up with extra eggs that go bad before they are used.

Another example is when dividing fractions. When working with fractions, calculating the GCF between numerators and denominators can help simplify them and make them easier to solve. For instance, if you have a fraction such as 8/24, then finding the GCF would give you 2/6 which is much easier to work with than 8/24!

Using the GCF can also be helpful when dealing with money. As an example, if someone wants to split a $50 bill evenly among four people using cash denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 20 dollar bills, one could first find the greatest common factor between all four denominations which is 10. Then, each person would get two $10 bills which adds up to $40 leaving $10 for change or for another person if needed!

Benefits Of Knowing How To Find The Gcf

Knowing how to find the greatest common factor can be extremely beneficial in both math and everyday life. For one, it can make math problems much easier to solve. By breaking down fractions into their simpler form, difficult equations can become much more manageable. Finding the GCF of numbers is also a great way to save time and money when buying in bulk or dividing up money among a group of people.

On top of that, having a good understanding of GCF can help with problem-solving skills and critical thinking. By learning how to identify patterns among numbers and break them down into their simplest form, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to other scenarios as well. Being able to recognize different types of factors in any equation can help you become more creative when approaching problems, which is an important skill no matter what field you’re in.

Overall, becoming familiar with the GCF is something that could benefit you in many aspects of life. From simplifying complex equations to saving money, knowing how to calculate the greatest common factor can help make your life easier and give you an edge when tackling challenging problems!

Relationship Between Factors And Multiples And The Gcf

Building on the benefits of knowing how to find the greatest common factor, it’s important to understand the relationship between factors and multiples and how they relate to GCF. Factors are numbers that can be divided evenly into another number; for example, 3 is a factor of 9 because 9 can be divided by 3 with no remainder. Multiples, on the other hand, are numbers that are multiplied together; for instance, 8 is a multiple of 4 since 8 = 4 x 2.

The GCF is determined based on these two concepts. By understanding what makes up a number and identifying its factors and multiples, you can find the greatest common factor shared among them. This process involves breaking down each number into its prime factors—those that cannot be broken down any further—and then finding the largest number both have in common.

For example, if you wanted to find the GCF of 12 and 18, you’d first break them down into their prime factors: 12 = 2x2x3; 18 = 2x3x3. The largest number both have in common is 3—making 3 the GCF—so that would be your answer. By understanding this relationship between factors and multiples and how it relates to GCF, you’ll be able to solve complicated math problems quickly and accurately!

Resources For Further Learning

Now that you understand the relationship between factors and multiples and their role in finding GCF, you can use a variety of resources to further your learning. There are plenty of online tutorials that explain this concept in detail, as well as practice problems and quizzes to test your knowledge. Additionally, many math textbooks have sections devoted to explaining how to calculate the greatest common factor. These are great for reviewing the basics or getting extra practice with more challenging problems.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, there are also interactive learning games available online which can help solidify your understanding of the subject matter. These games make it fun to learn about GCF and provide an engaging way to practice finding the greatest common factor in different scenarios. Plus, since they’re designed for all levels of learners, they can be used by students at all stages of their math education.

No matter what type of learning resource you choose, studying how factors and multiples work together is essential for mastering GCF calculations. With enough practice, you’ll be able to find the greatest common factor with ease!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Factors And Multiples?

The question of what is the difference between factors and multiples is a common one in mathematics. Factors are numbers that can be multiplied together to get a product, while multiples are the result of a multiplication equation. In other words, factors are the components of a multiplication equation, while multiples are the products of those equations.

For example, let’s look at the number 6. Six has two factors: 2 and 3. That means if you multiply 2 and 3 together, you get 6 as your product or multiple. You can also find other multiples of 6 by multiplying it by larger numbers such as 4 (24) or 8 (48). However, this does not change the fact that 6’s original factors remain 2 and 3. The same concept applies for all numbers; factors will always stay consistent regardless of how many times they are multiplied.

It is important to understand both concepts when working with math problems involving finding greatest common factor (GCF). To find GCF, you must look at all possible combinations of factors from two or more numbers and figure out which ones appear the most often in each combination. This will give you an idea of which factor is common among each set of numbers and therefore, gives you the GCF for those numbers. Understanding how to work with both factors and multiples can help make this process easier.

Overall, understanding how to differentiate between factors and multiples is essential when working with various mathematical operations such as finding GCF. Knowing these differences can help simplify complex problems and make them easier to solve.

How Is The Gcf Used In Real-Life Examples?

The greatest common factor (GCF) is an important concept in mathematics. It is the largest number that divides two or more given numbers without leaving a remainder. The GCF can be used in real-life examples to make calculations and solve problems. For instance, it can be used to calculate the lowest possible price for a product when dealing with different denominations of currency.

Let’s take an example: if you are buying something that costs $6 and you have two five dollar bills, one ten dollar bill, and four one dollar coins, then the GCF will help you determine the lowest possible price for the item. In this case, the GCF would be 5 because it is the highest number that divides all three denominations without leaving a remainder: 5 divided by 5 equals 1; 10 divided by 5 equals 2; 4 divided by 5 equals 0.4 (rounded down to 0). Therefore, $5 is the lowest possible price for the item in this situation.

In addition to finding prices, the GCF can also be used for calculating fractions and proportions. For example, if you have two fractions 3/4 and 6/8, then their GCF would be 1/2. This means that both fractions are equivalent to each other because they share a common factor of 1/2. Similarly, if you are asked to find out what fraction of a group has red hair and what fraction has brown hair, then you can use the GCF to determine how many people have red hair and how many have brown hair – thus giving you an accurate proportion of each group within the total population.

In short, the greatest common factor can be applied in various real-life scenarios such as pricing products, calculating fractions and proportions, etc., making it an invaluable calculation tool in mathematics.

Are There Any Other Methods To Find The Gcf Other Than Using Online Calculators?

When it comes to finding the greatest common factor (GCF), many people rely on online calculators. But are there other ways of finding the GCF aside from using a calculator? The answer is yes!

There are several different approaches to finding the GCF without the help of a calculator. One method is by using prime factorization, which involves breaking down a number into its prime factors and then looking for any that are common between two or more numbers. Another way is to use the Euclidean algorithm, which involves repeatedly dividing two numbers until their difference is zero and then taking the product of all factors in that number’s prime factorization. Finally, there’s the ladder method, which involves creating a “ladder” with multiples of two or more numbers and looking for any common multiples in between them.

All three methods can be effective when it comes to finding the GCF. However, each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Prime factorization is fairly straightforward but can take some time if dealing with larger numbers; Euclidean algorithm requires some knowledge of math but can be used quickly; and ladder method is easy to understand but requires an understanding of multiples. Ultimately, choosing which method to use will depend on your particular situation and needs.

Are There Any Other Resources To Learn More About The Gcf?

Are there any other resources to learn more about the GCF? This is a valid question because many students may be seeking additional information about the greatest common factor or GCF. Luckily, there are several options available for those seeking in-depth knowledge about this mathematical concept.

One of the best sources for learning more about GCF is textbooks. Textbooks usually have detailed explanations of different mathematical concepts and can provide students with an abundance of information on how to calculate the greatest common factor. Additionally, textbooks may also offer examples that can help guide students in understanding how to calculate the GCF correctly.

Another great resource for learning more about GCF is online videos. Online videos often provide step-by-step instructions and explanations of specific mathematical concepts like finding the greatest common factor. They can be especially helpful for visual learners who prefer to see what they are learning instead of just reading it from a textbook. Moreover, online videos can be accessed quickly and easily, making them a great option for those who are trying to find extra material on this topic.

It’s clear that there are plenty of resources available for gaining a better understanding of the greatest common factor. Whether it’s through textbooks or online videos, these resources can be incredibly useful in helping students grasp this important mathematical concept. With enough dedication and practice, anyone can become an expert at calculating the GCF!

Is There Any Benefit To Learning How To Find The Gcf?

When it comes to math, there’s a lot of information and concepts that can be difficult to learn. One such concept is the greatest common factor (GCF), which can be difficult to understand. But is there any benefit to learning how to find the GCF? Absolutely!

Having the ability to identify and calculate the GCF has its advantages. For one, understanding this concept makes it easier for students to work with fractions. It also allows them to reduce fractions and solve equations more quickly and accurately. Additionally, it helps students become better problem solvers because they’re able to recognize patterns more easily.

Overall, learning how to find the GCF can help students improve their overall math skills. It encourages them to use critical thinking and practice logical reasoning, which are important skills in mathematics. Plus, mastering this skill can make other areas of math much easier for them as well!


In conclusion, learning how to find the greatest common factor (GCF) can be a very useful skill. It can be used for solving problems in math, as well as in real life. While online calculators can be helpful for finding the GCF quickly, it is also beneficial to understand the process and practice finding it manually. There are also plenty of resources available to help learn more about the GCF and its uses. Knowing how to find the GCF can give students an edge in their math classes and have real-world applications too. All in all, mastering this important concept is definitely worth the effort!

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