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Dividing 3-to-4- Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers With Remainder (Math 4-COT)

Dividing 3-to-4- Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers With Remainder (Math 4-COT)

Dividing 3-to-4- Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers With Remainder (Math 4-COT)

LEARNING AREA: Mathematics Grade4

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Divides 3-to-4- digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder (M4NS-If-54.3)


CONTENT: Dividing 3-to-4- Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers With Remainder

LEARNING RESOURCES: Math 4 TG pp. 62-70, Math 4 LM pp. 49-52, SLM Week6, pp.6-7       

Division flash cards, charts, tagboard, printed activity sheets



Motivation: Show them a vegetable garden and ask the following questions:



                   Health (Taking Good Care of One’s Body)


Present this problem to the class.     

Mang Ben has a vegetable garden. He just bought 14 squash seedlings.  He wanted to plant these on the 3 remaining rows of his garden. How many seedlings will be planted in each row? How many seedlings will be left?    

ANALYSIS: Ask the following questions:

  1. Who has a vegetable garden?
  2. How many squash seedlings did Mang Ben just buy?
  3. How many remaining rows does his garden have?
  4. What is asked in the problem?

(Introduce the word remainder as the synonym of the word “left or extra”)

( Let them visualize the problem)

(Discussion on Dividing 3-4-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers with Remainder using the Long Method and 1-2-3 Method)

(Giving of examples and exercises using the Long Method and 1-2-3 Method)

ABSTRACTION: What do we call the number to be divided?

What do we call the number that divides?

What do we call the answer in division?

If you were a division term, what term would you be and why?

What is/are another word/words for remainder?

How do we divide 3-to-4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with  remainder?


A. (By Partner)

1. Solve for the quotient using the long method.

  1. 329 ÷ 2 2. 844 ÷ 3 3. 656 ÷ 5

B. (Differentiated Activities)

(Before giving the activity, give the rules clearly to ensure proper behavior and learning-focused environment. Also, present the norms in group activity (how the work will get done, what team members can expect of each other- leader, secretary, reporter, etc.)

Group I- If you divide 465 by 3, what is the quotient? Show your solution.

Group II- Solve for the quotient. Write your answer on the space provided.

978 ÷ 4 = _____

Group III- Solve for the quotient using the long method.

                  935 ÷ 3

Group IV- Solve for the quotient using the “1-2-3 method”

                  872 ÷ 5

(Recognize pupils’ active participation and positive behavior by giving them praises/encouraging words and claps.)

ASSESSMENT: Solve for the quotient using any method. Show your solutions. (10 points for each number)

1. 736  ÷ 5

2. 937 ÷ 3

ASSIGNMENT: If the dividend is 678 and the divisor is 4, what is the quotient? Use any method to find the quotient. Show your solutions.

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